Tap + Keg hire

For when you fancy that classic pub style pint from the comfort of your own home. Sauly Events can supply a full cooling system to connect up a keg of beer or cider that you enjoy the most.

Tap + Keg hire

Sauly Event’s Tap + Keg draft setup includes a beer font matching the brand of the product you choose.
The tap is supplied and connected to the cooling system to ensure the product is chilled to to the correct serving temperature when pouring into the glass. The system is pressurised by either 60/40 or CO2 gas depending on the requirement of the drink.

When hiring our Tap + Keg option it’s simply the product inside that you pay for. We deliver the keg and install all of the kit you’ll need to dispense the product, all you’ll need is a surface to attach the tap too! 

Once installed by a qualified Sauly Events technician, the cooler will need around 2 hours to chill to it’s optimum temperature. This chill time ensures that the ice bank in the cooler is sufficiently chilled so that your drinks are served at their optimum recommended temperature resulting in the perfect pub quality pint!

Tap + Keg hires are usually based on a 7 day hire period but we also offer flexible long term hires too.